Friday, May 24, 2013

Vitality Dentistry Introduces... 3D Cone Beam CT Technology

This latest addition to our complement of state-of the art digital technology allows us to be one of the first practices in Toronto (or anywhere in the world) to be able to offer you the ultimate computer guided implant solution.

We were the first practice in North America to incorporate CEREC technology in 1996. Over the last 17 years this technology has undergone continual refinement and improvement and the latest iteration of it is called the CEREC AC Omnicam.

The combination of CEREC Omnicam and 3D Cone Beam technology, takes the science of digital tooth replacement a quantum leap forward!

A digital image from a 3D cone beam CT. This image can be rotated in any dimension and digitally sliced to see any cross-sectional view that we desire.

Our patients can now go from having a missing tooth to having a computer guided implant, and the corresponding custom designed and fabricated abutment and crown in a single appointment!!

The necessary steps of:

1. Radiographic evaluation of the prospective implant site
2. Transfer of the digital radiographic data into implant planning and design software
3. Designing the ideal crown supported by the optimally placed implant
4. Fabrication of the surgical guide
5. Placement of the implant and abutment
6. And Fabrication of the crown…

Structures such as nerves can be visualized 
and highlighted on the images. Implants and 
the supported crowns can be can be planned 
directly in the images in 3 dimensions!

Can now be accomplished in a SINGLE VISIT
Without a separate visit to a radiologist
Without messy impressions
Without temporaries
Without a single suture
Without multiple appointments and associated valuable time lost
        from your busy schedule
Without multiple anesthetic injections


After taking a 3D image of your tooth, our CEREC AC Omnicammachine can be used to design and mill a strong, beautiful restoration in about an hour. We'll permanently place the crown during your single visit, and you'll leave our office with a full, healthy smile. This has now been integrated with….


An advanced type of digital radiography, cone beam technology provides us with a three-dimensional, digital image of structures beneath the surface of the teeth and gums. This unprecedented view includes teeth roots, internal nerve canals, and bone structure. CBCT (Cone-Beam Computed Tomography) scans are similar in detail to traditional medical CTs, but are taken in a fraction of the time, and usea fraction of the radiation exposure of medical CT’s.

CBCT scans can be used to plan root canal or orthodontic treatment, place implants more precisely, pinpoint TMJ disorders, and much more. Since you willnow have access to this cone beam technology in our office, you will no longer need a referral to a radiology facility thus saving you time and money. Your scans, diagnosis, and treatment will be conveniently centralized on site. Any detected abnormalities can be sent for the opinion of a specialist by simply E-Mailing the file to them.